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Tuesday, July 7, 2015


The evening was relatively uneventful with the exception of the hospitalero who lectured us more on the proper way to walk the camino.  According to him, you can only walk during the day, in the heat and late into the day, all of which I disagree with.

By walking before sunrise,  you hear frogs  and different birds. Pilgrims help each other find the path markers that are blatantly obvious during the day.  It is a much better experience.

We also are able to choose what time of year we walk, but are sometimes forced to adjust to scheduling.   I would have preferred spring or fall when the weather is better,  but couldn't if we walked as a family.   Therefore,  we walk when it is cooler during the day.

We choose whether to walk alone, with a partner or family.   Each is a much different experience.   Likewise,  we decide how long to take to walk, which can be independent of our physical condition.

Basically,  the camino provides the backdrop for anyone to create much different experiences.  It will be different for everyone.

Today was a 15 mile walk slightly uphill most of the way.  There were numerous small towns that we passed through mosy of which didn't have a market or cafe.  We passed San Roque church and Marion celebrated by buying an ice cream at the San Roque albergue.

We arrived in Villafranca by 12:15 after six hours of walking.  It's a tiny town with a small market.  We made vegetable soup for lunch and garbanzo bean salad for dinner.  We are eating well.

Tomorrow is a light day of walking,  so we can sleep in until 5:30.  It should be getting cooler making walking easier.

1 comment:

  1. Your host had his nerve telling you how to walk the Camino. I guess he thinks you need to suffer. I agree with your attitude. You're doing it the smart way and early mornings are my favorite time. Murray won, Fed won...both in semis.
